Freinds and infidels!
Yesterday I telling you to urgent sending Muhaysinic Emirate of Idlibistan much disinfectant four to saving three billion innocent jihadi children in Idlibistan from coronavirus cylinderbomb drop by evil pointy nose dictator Assad regime. But then I getting new information that make me thinking again!
I saided that King Jong Un deaded and arised from deadly because of disinfected injection, but I later given important information that prove this not true! No! King Jong Un not really deaded, he just almost deaded and that too because of disinfected injection. Here officeial transcription of conversational between King Jong Un and Abu Donaldtrump al Twitteri!

So it obviously that grate hope of saviour from coronavirus by injectioning antiseptic disinfectant failured. Again we in desperate and half blessed Shaykh Golani looking like blushing animal zebra with dyspepsia. This not good looking four half blessed future saint so you please excusation if I not put photo. Also if I put photo half blessed Shaykh Golani cut my head off.
But due to divine intercessory of (fully) Blessed Shaykh Muhaysini, we having new hopefully! You gnawing that in Venezuela evil lefteous moustache Maduro regime oppressioning poor capitalist who only want to make profiting by selling economic to Abu Dollar al Wallstreeti?
Here Maduro, and just by looking at evil moustache you gnawing that he evil up to root of tonsil!

Because Maduro so evil and oppression poor capitalist who only wanting to sell country to Abu Dollar al Wallstreeti, good righteous Abu Iguana al Lapdoggi declaration himself presidential.

Off coarse Abu Iguana not standed four election but that not significantly, righteous? If he standed four election he only get meddled by evil half naked Russia dictator Putin regime like all other election in universe!
Now Abu Iguana very goodly, so regime of Abu Donaldtrump al Twitteri helping him as much as possible, call evil moustache dictator Maduro drug smugglinger, and put price on head and also trying to strangle Venezuela by sanctioned. But nothing happen because Venezuela people not revolution against moustache out of starvation. This wrongeous and unacceptably!
So finally Abu Iguana hire mercenary army to invasion Venezuela. This mercenary army though watch too many Abu Rambo al Hollywoodi film, readed too much Abu Frederickforsythe al Imperialisti book The Dogs Of War and invasion Venezuela by sea like fictional Africa country Zangaro.
Result was that invasion defeating and all mercenary army kill or capture!

Among thirteen brave mercenary capture by moustache Maduro regime is even two American! This horribly!

Now with destroy of main mercenary force their being no hopeful of overthrow of moustache Maduro regime. This sad!

Very sad.
But I hear you saying, Genghis, you saying that it good news four you. How? You crazy?
No! I not crazy!
See here, I have simply solution! Moustache Maduro regime impossible to overthrow by mercenary army. But army can still invasion by sea, righteous? It failure to capture Venezuela capital Caracas, but not meaning it not able capture Syria capital Damascus?
Now I seeing goat coin droppeding in your mind! Yes! Why need to find medicinal against coronavirus cylinderbomb drop by evil lefteous Nusayri regime of pointy nose Syria dictator Assad if pointy nose dictator Assad can be removal?
Also logically four mercenary army! If I remembering lessons teached me by Abu Alhamdo al LastmessagefromAleppoi, in English language D coming after C, righteous? So after Caracas coming Damascus, name otherwise almost same!
So please to hiring mercenary army to immediate invasion Damascus four to overthrowing evil pointy nose dictator Assad regime. Please asking how much goat, or whatever other animal, sheep maybe, ask as payment by mercenary army and raise by method Kickstarter four to invasion immediately. Save three billion innocent jihadi children in Muhaysinic Emirate of Idlibistan!
Takebeer! Muhaysinihu Akbar! Thank.