Freinds and infidels!
You gnawing that Genghis is against oppressioning by all evil forceful anywhere in world, except off coarse in Muhaysinic Emirate of Idlibistan where any oppressioning is righteous? Also except off coarse when oppressioning is by my four wifes and four mother in laws?
Now it coming to my ears from dear freind Bana Allarebad in America that regime of orange Covfefe tweeting Abu Donaldtrump al Twitteri oppression people of Amerikastan and bombing innocent protestor with rubberbulletgasbomb! Here authentic photography of Abu Donaldtrump al Twitteri regime murder people:

This off coarse wrongeous and unacceptably! So wrongeous and unacceptably that even America people go on protest, but evil mobile-thumbed Trumpist regime begin to oppressioning even further! Something like this:

Off coarse in Muhaysinic Emirate of Idlibistan we only whipping malcontents like this:

Or we shooting them and eating liver. It environment freindly solution, you agreement? Otherwise liver go to wastage!
Anyway, driven to desperately by Trumpist regime oppressioning, defectors from Trump regime set up Free American Army (FAA), which deservedly your support! Please to following it on Twitter here. Befour evil Trumpet regime ban group from Twitter! It already declaration group a terrorist organisation!

It as you see importantly that you support FAA against evil Covfefe tweeting orange Abu Donaldtrump al Twitteri regime!

In word of my dear freind Bana Allarebad, "Dear World, it's better to start WWIII than let Donald Trump continue to bomb and shoot Americans! Only today a regime policeman shot my teddy bear."
You listening to her, please.
Takebeer! Muhaysinihu Akbar! Thank.