Freinds and infidels!
Freind Abu Walterkronkat al Merikkki justly remindered me that in Amerikastan they haveing record harvest of fruit peach!

How I gnawing this, you asking? I gnawing this because as Abu Walterkronkat al Merikkki telled me, Amerikastani Congress giving Abu Donaldtrump al Twitteri peach as gift!

Four whatever reasonable he not look like he enjoy it.
Maybe he not love fruit peach? Maybe he allergy to fruit peach? I wanted to finding out, and then I discovery that in Amerikastan they gifting fruit peach to people they not like.
It strange custom, as strange as eating carrier pigeon!

Off coarse four Abu Miketyson al Punchupi it not as tasty as human ear!
Anyway, it finded out by me that expectoration is that in Amerikastan you give peach to anyone you not like, and then he go away!
We in Idlibistan want pointy nose Assad and half naked Putin to going away, so you please sending them peach, please. Lots of peach. So many peach they have peach pie coming out of ears.
Takebeer! Muhaysinihu Akbar! Now i hungry four peach, but you not sending them to me too.
Oh Genghis, I like peach pie myself. I like fresh peaches right off the tree also. I even have been known to eat canned peaches. Until I was student at the University of Science, Music, and Culture, I had not had peach pie. We had peach pie at lunch meal during my boot camp times at USMC and liked it. First time I ever eat peach pie and it was made right there at boot camp mess hall by new USMC staffs.
You should have asked me for peaches back when I still lived in SoCal (southern California----is on West coast of 'Merikkkastan. My home there was about 50 miles East of Lost Angeles) We had a small peach tree…