Freinds and infidels!
In lastest post I telleding you all about evil pointy nose dictator Assad regime dropping coronavirus cylinderbomb on three billion innocent jihadi children in Muhaysinic Emirate of Idlibistan. Now you gnawing that - as Dr Fauci in Grate Glorious America Empire telled you, justly four example - that even smell of one virus of corona kill you deadly like cockroach givened insecticide, and you die befour even can saying Covfefe.
I not needing to telling you that this unacceptably, righteous?
So we in Muhaysinic Emirate of Idlibistan have grate problem and worry daily and even nightly, so much that we fourget and even fiveget to chop head of prisoner. This wrongeous and unacceptably so something having to be done! Prisoner head not chop itself!
Even high top level discussion between Blessed Shaykh Muhaysini, half blessed Shaykh Golani, and others inclusion myself not able dissolve problem. We just about to despairing and half blessed Shaykh Golani makeup running like water from face, making him red black with rouge and mascara like blushing animal zebra.
Then I suddenly see huge news from CNN!
CNN, as you gnawing, is best news in world along with BBC, NYT, Warshington Post, and newspaper Guardian which all support right of us headchopper to chop head in piece and quiet. So anything it say is automatic truth, and anyone not agreement is evil half naked Russia dictator Putin bot, evil pointy nose Syria dictator Assad apologist, and evil troll in pay of China, Iran, and Kremlin!
So what this news? This news is that evil North Korea dictator King Jong Un rised from dead again!

Now you gnawing that evil North Korea dictator King Jong Un deaded of heart attacking week ago when surgeon too fright to operation, righteous? You gnaw if truly because CNN and other good media telled you?
But King Jong Un now up from dead and cutting ribbon.

Therefour he must have discovery magic way of coming back to life after dying, and it not take long four us to understanding why!
It was Blessed CNN that give us magic clue:

Now you seeing mark like mosquito bite on King Jong Un arm? It off coarse injection! But injection of what?
Remembering please what Abu Donaldtrump al Twitteri saying only few day ago that injectioning antiseptic is cure four coronavirus?

Off coarse you remembering!
King Jong Un doctor obvious also remember, and order injection of Dettol and Lysol disinfection into arm vein! And he arise from deadly!
So now path clearly four Muhaysinic Emirate of Idlibistan! We must be injectioning antiseptic disinfectant in three billion innocent jihadi children to protection them from evil lefteous pointy nose dictator Assad regime coronavirus! But to doing so many injection we need lot off Dettol and Lysol and last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last Dettol and Lysol factory in Idlibistan just get bombed by evil half naked Russia dictator Putin regime plane!

Therefour you please to sending at leastly ten million ton of disinfectant to Idlibistan immediate by any mean. Drone or carrier pigeon will be doing in the well enough. And half blessed Shaykh Golani once again look happy like this:

Takebeer! Muhaysinihu Akbar! Thank!