Freinds and infidels!

This being grate freind and supporter Jihadi Julian Röpcke of Bild who always thinking about us! We haveing few grater freinds than Mr Julia. He every day ranting and raveing about saving us from evil lefteous Nusayri regime of pointy nose Syria dictator Assad and evil half naked Russia dictator Putin regime!
Big pity is though Mr Julia such grate freind he never comed to Idlibistan to visit us. Instead he like roaming from Estonia to Ukranazistan to supporting us in air conditioning meeting room. My four wifes very interested in meeting him here and wanting to cooking boiled goat head and human heart stewing to feed him, not giving me peace until he come.
So I officially sending this invitationing four him to comeing quickly. He like planespotting, so I willing to sending him official airline of Muhaysinic Emirate of Idlibistan four his own personal tripping here! Here plane being readyied four journey:

As you seeing with own eye (maybe or junebe with spectacular or contact lens) this plane being much better than Boeing 737 Max. Unlike 737 Max, insh'Muhaysinah, it literally incapable of crashing. Mr Julia will being very happy to hear that.
So please be to passing on invitationing to Mr Julia, and telling him to come quickly, befour pointy nose Syria dictator Assad regime capture Idlibistan and it be too late. His bedroom in converted septic tank air raid bunker all ready, we even kill all flea four him!
Takebeer! Muhaysinihu Akbar! Thank.
Not crash if it not fly, freind or infidel.
its literally incapable of crashing is it?