Freinds and infidels:
I have importantly news! Today in Idlibistan we get major, actually major not enough, field marshal announcement.

Yes! Blessed Shaykh Muhaysini himself pay us visiting (not literally, we pay him goat four honour of visit). In visit he maked many points, but mostly about evil lefteous Nusayri regime of pointy nose dictator Assad comeing attack on Idlibistan.
In additional to giveing orders and responsibilities (which I telling afterward, i must go to fulfilling mine) he say it essential to grow long beard immediately.
This why:
As you know doubt gnawing, evil pointy nose dictator Assad regime habit of drop sarinbarrelgasbomb on three billion children in Idlibistan, poor innocent children like this with Western schoolteacher:

This wrongeous and unacceptably! But because pointy nose dictator Assad haveing support of evil half naked Russia dictator Putin, nobody stoppage him in time. But now Blessed Shaykh Muhaysini find perfect remedy four sarinbarrelgasbomb!
Yes! It the beard, which being special jihadic beard act as perfectly gas mask and sarin trap! Anywon with this beard not killed by sarin.
So how beard become perfectly gas mask jihadic beard, you asking? Simple! Please to applying special jihadic beard oil selled by Shaykh Muhaysini owned oil factory in Turkey. It work miracle and one drop only cost one quarter goat!

Insh'Muhaysinah all of three billion children in Idlibistan soon have jihadic beard proof against evil lefteous Nusayri regime sarinbarrelgasbomb.
Takebeer! Muhaysinihu Akbar! You please be buying oil too.