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Going postal in Idlibistan

Writer: Genghis GobiGenghis Gobi

Freinds and infidels!

I haveing bad news four you all!

Last time I telled you, as you April, may, or June remember, that Idlibistan needing to send application again to joining European Unionist. This because I not put enough postal stamping on application and that because of goat shortage.

Goat very shortage in Idlibistan because of stealing by Abu Erdogan al Turki, who steal four out of every five sented by Abu Salmansaud al Bonesawi.

Here, four example, you seeing entirely reserves of National Bank of Idlibistan:

(This reminder to you: to sending goat, please not sending through Abu Erdogan. I telling you next timing in detail how to sending. Thank.)

So since goat in such shortage, I haved to scraping bottom of goat barrel to finding enough to payment four enough postage stamp to sending European Unionist application. Finally finded two ears, five horn, three tail, seven hoof, and one tooth to payment four stamp. And then what happen?

I telling you what happened!

Evil pointy nose dictator Assad, to stoppage me from sending application, dropped sarinbarrelgasbomb on last last last last last last last last last last last last last last postbox in Idlibistan! That what happened.

Misfrountunately four Assad, but fortunately four Idlibistan, i not yet posted application since at that timing I was looking four last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last tube of glue in Idlibistan four to sticking stamp on last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last envelope. So though postbox destructioned, preciously application safe!

But I haveing grave (and cremation and embalming) worry about whether letter safety four to sending to European Unionist, so I goed to students of Engineering Department of University of Idlibistan, and askinged them to making nice good post office van which can taking mail directly to European Unionist through Turkey. This necessarily four making because off coarse last last last last last last last last last last last post office van in Idlibistan bombed by pointy nose regime air force.

Why, you asking, did I go to students of Engineering Department of University of Idlibistan? Because they building sports car four hobbyist! Sports car like this:

And this:

They also grate sportsman who love to driving sportscar racing like Abu Michaelschumacher al Formulaonei!

Or Abu Lewishamilton al Formulaonei!

You seeing here what grate job they didded:

This acceptable red post office van, righteous? You can seeing it delivery your mailing? It not look like anything else?

But you seeing what happen next. Evil lefteous Nusayri pointy nose Assad regime supporter evil half naked Russia dictator Putin regime immediately bomb post office van - this being last last last last last last last last last last last last post office van in Idlibistan, you not forgetful! - to many smithereen.

And what excuse? You asking, what excuse? Excuse is that it not last last last last last last last last last last last last post office van in Idlibistan, it suicide car bomb maked by Engineering department of University of Idlibistan! This wrongeous and unacceptably lie!

As off coarse you can be to seeing, sports car not suicide car bomb, and in any casing fully different! This red, but they colour brown and grey!

Now no postbox or postal van left in Idlibistan, not even last last last last last last last last last last last last last one! So how to sending application for European Unionist? I can only thinking one way!

Yes, it carrier pigeon. Evil lefteous Nusayri pointy nose Assad regime not want to sarinbarrelgasbomb pigeon, righteous? Only freedom loving democracy West kill animal four fun.

Misfrountunately, however, no carrier pigeon in Idlibistan. Not even last last last last last last last last last one!

So only one thing to be done, freinds and infidels! You sending carrier pigeon here! Not stool pigeon, we haveing plenty of those!

Takebeer! Muhaysinihu Akbar! Insh'Muhaysinah you sending soon, and then carrier pigeon not discharging content of intestine on you!


1 comentario

Walter P. Kronkat
19 nov 2019

Poor old Genghis. You ever feel like the whole world is against you Genghis? From your postings here, you sure make me think it is.

Carrier pigeons? Really? You do know that those critters are just rats with wings. Also, I live in 'Merikkka and we eat them critters. True, they don't usually have much meat on them, but the way things are in 'Merikkkastan, with the orange haired rodent under impeachment, we are having to stock up on whatever foods we can get. Oh, I might be able to send you some extra goat parts, but pigeons? No way Jose. They make a nice, quick snack between lunch and dinner.

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